When you or your dentist notices an irregularity in the mouth's soft tissues, it is crucial to seek an evaluation from a specialist. Normally, these tissues, called mucosa, are coral pink and smooth. An experienced provider, such as Dr. Yang or Dr. Lee, should examine any changes to rule out a serious condition. As oral and maxillofacial surgeons, they are specially trained to identify and treat oral pathologies.
We encourage you to request a consultation appointment at Foster City Oral Surgery Specialists if you notice any unusual changes to your mouth. Dr. Yang or Dr. Lee can perform an oral pathology screening and create a plan for treatment. At Foster City Oral Surgery Specialists, we will make every effort to see you as soon as possible.
It is not unusual to have a biopsy taken during an oral pathology screening. A biopsy is a small tissue sample of the area in question that is sent to a pathologist in a lab for further examination and diagnosis. The biopsy procedure is a minimally invasive process that your oral surgeon can perform in their office.
Your oral surgeon will be able to create a treatment plan based on the pathologist’s findings. We will discuss your treatment plan with you and address all of your questions and concerns.
An oral pathology may be developing in the mouth, salivary glands, or jaws if any changes to the mucosa are spotted. In general, the earlier that an oral pathology is caught, the easier it is to treat. You can stay on top of your oral health by performing an oral self-exam once a month. Self-exams will enable you to get familiar with what your mouth looks like when it's healthy and identify any changes as they occur.
The good news is that most changes to the mouth are not serious: oral pathology can be as minor as a canker sore. However, because it can be as severe as oral cancer, Dr. Yang or Dr. Lee should evaluate any abnormal changes to the mouth. If you have noticed any irregularities in your mouth, please contact us to request an appointment.
Signs and symptoms of oral pathology include
At Foster City Oral Surgery Specialists, we care about your oral health. If you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of oral pathology, we encourage you to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Yang or Dr. Lee. They can design a treatment plan to get your oral health back on track.